K18 – for when your hair resembles your horse’s haynet

I recently found K18 on Amazon after trying out the sample tube.  At first, I was extremely sceptical – especially when I had washed my hair and didn’t use normal conditioner.  I wondered how this little tube of “stuff” was going to make me look more like the lady of the Timotei advert.  I took a small amount and popped it into my hair.  Omg!,  it was like a little pea sized miracle.  The directions tell you to leave it for 4 minutes, then dry/style or ‘whatever’ after that.

I found it strange not to wash it out, but my hair was just amazing.  The true test was the following morning when I tootled off down to the stables.  Six horses mucked out, numerous haynets filled and two horses ridden – and my hair was straight, soft and still smelt lovely.

I can’t recommend this product enough, the only downside is the huge cost but a little does go a very long way.  I purchase mine from Amazon and here is the link https://amzn.to/3PLb5Ei

I am now tempted to try it on the horse’s tail 🙂

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