Dream It. Do It. Love It – absolutely fantastic book for any one who has a passion for horses and needs a little bit of support and mindset coaching. If you don’t have much time to read, take this on holiday for those long painful days on the beach with the family, doing nothing, thinking of what you could be doing at home … riding your horse.
I was surprised to find this book on Amazon and only just under £13. https://amzn.to/3CmgPBs
‘Incredible!’ ‘A wonderful resource on equine mindset training for horse riders.’
International Master Mindset and Performance Psychology Coach and Trainer, award-winning professional speaker and international bestselling author… and Equestrian, Jenni Winter-Leach has an amazing mindset coaching business called Flying Changes Mindset (UK ) that specialises in equestrian mindset coaching with for horse riders ranging beginners right through to professionals.
Her book is an introduction to the equine mindset coaching. It is especially relevant for any horse rider who has fallen off a horse, or experienced a riding trauma … and wants to get back into the sport, and love it.
It covers three steps critical to success:
Dream It
Do It
Love It
You need all three.
Jenni explains how fear sabotages – or stops – your desire to ride well, and your actual practice. She explains how the brain processes with fear, and unpacks self-talk. And she gives you a proven flight path for improving your mindset and skills as a rider no matter what level you are riding currently.
“As I know so well, setbacks are a part of horse riding but sadly too often they stop riders from enjoying their passion to the full or getting back to where they once were. This book brilliantly illustrates how our brain works for and against us and how to harness it to achieve your dreams. It is our obligation as riders, trainers and probably families of riders to familiarise ourselves with these concepts, making it a must read for us all.
Jonty Evans, Olympic Eventer